Sunday, December 20, 2009

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European Salsa Music Mp3
A total of 150 melodies

Tablets 128 kbps 668 MB

Cover (Custom)

Front Back Volume Leveling Cd


001 A Gozar - José Alberto El Canario
002 to explode - 003 N Water Key
Clavelito - Johnny Pacheco & Casanova Hector
004 Ahora Quien - Marc Anthony 005
someone is talking bad about me - Ray Sepúlveda
006 Love me - Lalo Rodriguez 007
Love Me Again - Andy Montañez
008 Amanecí In Your Arms - Tito Nieves
009 Amiga - Rey Ruiz
010 Anacaona - Cheo Feliciano and Poison Antidote
011 - 012
Apparently Eddie Santiago - Niche Apparently
013 - 014
Tony Vega That Old Motel - David Pabon
015 Here you go again - Oscar Gilberto
Bold 016 - Tommy Olivencia
017 Bailando - Frankie Ruiz
018 dance again - José Alberto El Canario
019 Bamboleo_Caballo Viejo - Celia Cruz
Bembelecua 020 - Celia Cruz
And many more for a total of 150 Melodias

For more information

Thursday, November 12, 2009

How Much Do Drinks Cost On Cruise Lines


If right click on the icon will see the two tools in this group:
The Clone Stamp and Pattern Stamp

Reason Buffer allows you to paint the same way that earlier, so many of your choices are equal. The difference is that this tool does not use paint but a pattern or motive.
The configuration of this tool is not unlike that of the brush.

In fact, the only different options are the last 3: We

click the Reason drop down to see the available options.

Looking at this window you will see that is very similar to the brushes that we saw earlier, clicking the button you will see that it is possible to load multiple reasons listed by category.

The Clone Stamp
The Clone Stamp is a very useful tool in photo retouching, this tool makes an exact copy of an image area and allows you to move it to another area of \u200b\u200bthe canvas. Its use is relatively
simple. Notes that both the buffer Clone Reason as you allow the selection of different brush tips to bring out the stroke.
keyboard combinations and options as a tool for both tools are similar to those seen for the brush or pencil.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Should Tourist Be Encourages

The Color Replacement tool

The Color Replacement tool lets you replace colors of an image by others. To do this we select in the tool pane and modify its options to act according to our needs.

Once selected the brush tip with which we work we set the other options for the tool to work properly.

Normally our intention is to change the color of the image, you may also change the Brightness, Saturation and Hue of the image using this tool. Select the appropriate option for each of these actions the drop-down mode.

The three buttons shown below correspond to how the sample will be taken to replace the color in the image.

The tip of this tool has a special way. It consists of a rounded base (like a normal brush) but adds a cross-shaped peephole in its center. The loop option evaluates each pixel of color that passes through the blade pointer and replaced each time the color evaluation.
If escogiésemos Once the sampled color would be the first on which we click, and replace only that color in the image.
possible to define a background color (in the Tools panel) and use it as a sign to replace that color in the image by selecting the option Sample of funds.

Limits option accepts 3 values. Sets limits on the manner in which the colors are replaced. Adjacent find
as default, replacing the color areas sampled by the cross but only if they are connected.

option does the opposite not adjacent, connected or not, supersedes all areas with the color of the sample inside the tip of the brush. Last, Find Edges, acts as the first but preserving the sharpness the edges of the form.

For Tolerance, we could say that sets the range of colors similar to the sample to be replaced. Greater tolerance allows the sampled substitute similar colors. While zero tolerance areas only replace the exact color to sample.
To define a smooth edge corrected areas, select Smooth.

Now you can simply click on a location on the canvas and start painting tool with color Active as set forth in the above.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Prosti Aubrey Miles Watch Online

Painting Tools.

The pen and brush

The Pencil and Brush let you paint with the foreground color , although by default tool brush strokes creates much smoother while edges are more irregular pen.

will use the Color Replacement tool to replace colors of an image by others.

brush tool

One of the differences in the pencil is the ability to make this tool airbrush to it we just have to press the button on the Options bar Tools .

This option is useful when we want the paint tool according to pressure exerted by the brush. Thus, if we keep the mouse button down for a while it will be adding more paint to the image, while if the airbrush is turned off, even to maintain the pressure, the amount of paint at one point is always the same. In addition to this possibility, another option is only Brush: The Flow clip_image004.

flow sets the speed with which the tool applies the paint brush, so the lower the percentage to apply, the smoother the result.

Features painting tools

The Opacity is an option that often find while working with Photoshop. S clip_image007 and is a percentage (equal to the flow), and it depends on the transparency of the line drawn. 100%, the paint is completely opaque, while the minimum (1%) is imperceptible.

One of the more complex features of Photoshop is Blend Mode. Depending on how you use the paint tool in one form or another.

  • Normal, the default mode, the brush act as you expect, painting with the foreground color to where you think the stroke. clip_image006
  • Behind the paint brush with the foreground color only parts that are transparent. If you try to paint in an area already colored the brush did not paint anything.
  • Delete removes the color where you think the line leaving the area clear. This mode acts similarly to the tool Draft, to be discussed later.
  • Darken, the resulting color of the line is evaluated by Photoshop, paint only if it is darker than the existing color in the image.
  • Clarify, acting contrary, the line is displayed only if the resulting color is lighter than the existing one in the picture.

The other modes require a knowledge of more advanced concepts.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Mother Did Not Buy Gift Daughter


Did he fall or was silent?

By Ana María García Márquez

Kaufman (or should make, according to your suggestion, Garside marques?) Raised an issue that every now and again: that of the Castilian spelling reform, which would be primarily a reduction in alphabet.
I do not agree with this proposal. Those who support it argue that removing the letters that share the same sound you would write fewer errors. But it is also likely that the new system difficult to read. When we read, our eye can not see all the letters, but selects some on the basis of which we anticipate what is next. A system with few marks higher demand effort by the reader. Thus the disappearance of the homophones, which, if it says "The lady fell, we would have to appeal to the rest of the text to know if you closed your mouth or landed on the floor.
Finally, those who propose to simplify the spelling are suggesting, to put it simply, "written as it sounds." But ... Where does it sound? "We keep a z a s for both locals? ... Would it take a different spelling depending on local pronunciations? This enormously difficult written communication among English speakers.
would be desirable to use the enormous this reform effort would require to investigate why children have such difficulty spelling, what is the responsibility of society and school on the problem and what is the best way to solve it.

Clarín, Wednesday April 9, 1997
fat balance

Why women and not men, excess fat accumulated at the bottom? Is it an energy reserve for periods of scarcity? Not according to B. Pawlowski, University of Wroclaw. The explanation more plausible is biomechanics. This overload allows a better balance of woman's body during pregnancy and breastfeeding the baby, and thus promote mobility and the search for balance.
Scientific American magazine
-Read the texts.
-Find the meaning of words or expressions that are not understood.
- Which of these is a text which is predominantly argumentative and explanatory? Why? The answer is you can get studying here (click without fear)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

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24 22 23

be able to change name and gender in Step
documents. No reassignment operations are required
PILAR kissed
in special session and unanimously, the Senate yesterday approved the name change law and gender, to allow transvestites and transsexuals to change their birth certificate. Operations are not necessary for sex reassignment.
The bill, which left the Senate with the approval of the senators of the Frente Amplio and the rejection of the opposition, several modifications in the House Baja, where broader consensus was achieved. Yesterday, the project returned to the Senate, where the bank would approve or reject as it is to complete the legislative process.
Sen. Margarita Percovich official read a report to record the agreement between all members of the Senate to accept the text changes. The law was passed by 20 votes to 20 senators from all political parties, and passed to the Executive for his signature. In his view this is the law "most important" in this term. Simple

. Coitiño Mauritius, a member of the group Black Sheep, of gays, lesbians, transvestites, transsexuals and bisexuals told El Pais that he believes "all trans people will want to do the processing" of sex and name change because "it is simple and will enable the automatic change of name in all documentation." According to Maria Paz
Gorostizaga, Black Sheep, about 18 transvestites who made the name change process (which involves no change of gender, which is more complex), have decided to appeal this law to amend their documentation. Changes
. In September, when the project entered Deputies, eliminated the provision allowing minors to make the change of sex and name.
was also established that once made the process, you can not go back until five years later.
On the other hand, added an article stating that this law "does not change the existing marriage system, so can not marry two people of the same biological sex.
Finally, it amended the provisions that established the reservation process of changing gender and name and the cancellation of the original birth certificate.
The law now states that an amendment be made in the birth of the person performing the procedure, and noting the new name and gender on the sidelines.
adds that "any person may request adjustment of the registration statement your name, sex, or both, when they do not match their gender identity. "This" dissonance "should be" stable and persistent "for at least two years to conduct the proceedings before a justice of the Family.
To start demand, the person must file a technical report by a team of the Directorate General of Civil Status Registry specializes in gender identity and diversity. One of the most fundamental changes introduced by this law is that the person should not be reassignment operations sex to begin the process.
So far, there were a dozen sentences which supported the gender change, but they were all people who had performed these operations, that consuming at least five years and several surgeries. Moreover, the majority of transvestites are not interested in taking steps to change their sex, something that does need many transsexuals feel.
To Percovich, the new law that prevents violence call a person by the name that is registered ", when its appearance is different. He also said he was "safe to get a job" because the person is provided "as he feels it is." El País, 13/10/2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

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01 Past Present Past Present And murmur soft

02 03 Son De La Loma 04 La Reina Isabel

05 A Mi That
Breaking 06 Routine
07 If Told You
08 La Mulata Del Cha Cha Cha
09 Quizas, Quizas, Quizas 10 Mambo

12 11 The Piano and Violin


Monday, October 5, 2009

30th Birthday Invite Funny Wording


Salsa Music Mp3
A total of 152 Song 128 kbps

WinRar Tablets
6 Parts of 98.2 MB and 1 part Images of 91.9 MB
Cover (Custom) Front, Rear And Cd Volume Leveling

List Melodias

Salsa Salsa 001 A Weigh - Latin Brothers
002 A despite the distance - Hansel Camacho 003
Hot Water - Hildemaro And His Orchestra 004
Something Electric - Naty Y Su Orquesta 005
Amame Como Soy - Hermandad Latina
Take care Friend 006 - The Constellation Group 007
Disposable Love - Latin Brothers Love Pirate
008 - Willie Gonzalez
Treacherous Love 009 - Guayacan
010 Love Like Ours Anhelos Jerry Rivera
011 - 012 Arrepentida
Adolescents Orquesta - Orquesta Adolescents
013 Asi Fue - Nelson Diaz
014 Bold - Grupo Niche
015 Azuquita Mami - Fania All Stars
016 Every Time - Eddie Santiago
Pachanguero 017 Cali - Grupo Niche
018 Cara De Niño - Jerry Rivera
Chole Che Che 019 - 020 Willie Colon
Suffocate - Group Class
And many more by adding a Melodias
total of 152
For more information
here or here


Thursday, October 1, 2009

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[four o'clock ___ (coordinating conjunction) ___ (possessive pronoun, first person) _____ child ("end", this refers to the daughter) to have a nightmare.] It is ______ ("wake up" simple past tense, third person, with accents) ________ ("mourn", gerund) and ___ (unstressed pronoun, first person) ______ ("count", third person) while he was sleep pout. [I heard the story, I stroked his head and reassured.] While I ________ ("describe", preterite imperfect, third person, with accents) the protagonist of ____ (possessive pronoun, third person) pesadilla_________ ("try" simple present perfect tense, first person, with accents) would not notice my distress. _____ (Pronounced personal pronoun, feminine) is not old yet to understand my shock. Now that you've fallen asleep again, now that I'm awake, I'll try to tell the whole story. Long time no write, who knows what will come out.
The nightmare that had just taken my daughter is a revenge for his father. A rematch of her, poor thing, it's just collateral damage. As the boys left in the middle of a shooting, Nina got a while ago unintentionally in the war of others. To sort the ideas I have to go to Buenos Aires from ninety-four.
At that time I was a skinny guy, twenty-three, who worked in a business magazine called Focus. They wrote about logistics, packaging, management and feeding. From the second floor of the street I ran Leandro Alem, without knowledge of the facts, a dossier on environmental management in the company. The word I most enjoyed writing at the time was 'Bio-development'. excerpt from accessing this address o-directly- You can finish reading the text. Would be wise to do it.
Note: The writing that next week will be very similar to this job.
0. Obviously, you will find the words you do not understand in the dictionary, or are you going to ask.
1. Find information about the author. Do not copy and paste.
2. Complete the text using the instructions are in parentheses.
3. What kind of text is it? Why?
4. What person is it written? Give at least three examples.
5. Comprehensively analyze the statements marked with []
6. Consider the following:

· Subject lexicon: Term adjacent to the verb agrees in number and person, its core is a noun, personal pronouns can be replaced by accented or demonstrative pronouns. Easily identifiable by the question "Who?" Or "Who?" The verb.


Juan eat potatoes.
Juan and Maria eat potatoes.
They eat potatoes. These
eat potatoes.
(material also available in )

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Healing Demodex Folliculorum Face

Duty Duty Duty

My brother Alberto fell into the well when he was five.
was one of those family tragedies that only relieve time and circumstance of a large family.
Twenty years later my brother Eloy drawing water from that well one day that no one had ever returned to peer.
In the cauldron discovered a small bottle with a paper inside.
"This is a world like any other," the message said. Luis Mateo Díez

1. What was the tragedy?
2. Is it really a tragedy? Why?
3. What kind of text?
4. Extract: two verbs in simple past tense, two verbs in past tense, two verbs in this
5. Extracts a sentence and one sentence statement. Analízalos.Redacta a story about the discovery of a new world (from eighty to one hundred and fifty words). Be published in

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What Is The Use Of Susten 300

No. 21 No. 20

[Bhrigu and the three gods]

Once, the sages of India sent to investigate the Prudent Bhrigu who was the god worthy of worship of the priests: Brahma, Vishnu or Siva. [Bhrigu approached Brahma and omitted one of the honors due to God.] [This reproached him, but accepted their apologies and forgave him.] Then Bhrigu went to Siva and behaved like So with Brahma, so it was about to be reduced to ashes by Shiva's third eye. Only through his eloquent excuses, Bhrigu was saved from destruction. then traveled to the domains of Vishnu, where he slept on the floor. [Bhrigu kicked Vishnu in the chest and the god woke up.] Asked the sage if he was hurt and proceeded to give foot massage. That was how the Bhrigu declared Vishnu Prudente greatest of the gods, to be more generous and simple.

Introduction to mythology, editors Fenández

1 - Find the words you do not understand in the dictionary
2 - Answer. A) What was the mission of Bhrigu?, B) What procedure was used to carry?, C) Why did you choose to Vishnu as the greatest of the gods?
3 - Explain what they mean and classifies pronouns indicated.
4 - Points at which times, number and person are the verbs mentioned.
5 - Scans statements marked with square brackets.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why Do Men In Cuba Grow Their Pinky Nail?

Duty Duty

(Below is the text of the proposal.)

a) Look in the dictionary for words that do not understand.

b) Write a brief summary of the text submitted. Obviously, you will not copy the same but you're using your own words.

c) Write a brief report on the occurrence of a superhero (yes, that's right) that appears in a neighborhood of Maldonado and helps fight crime without violence.


Cities "Guardians" threaten self-righteousness
Canelones. "The Guardian" sent mail with a list of offenders
An e-mail signed by "The Guardian", which calls for punishing "criminals" identified by name was received at the branch 25 th of white clay. The police forwarded the email to the court of Pando.
villa The area known as "El Gallo" is a core of houses and shops located at Km 28, Route 8. The presumed hitherto unknown group, which is identified as The Guardian, included in the e-mail sent to the police a list of names of local people with criminal records to those who threaten to execute their own hands.
The text gives an account of the need to do justice against offenders. Meanwhile, the police said that intervention has had on the majority of offenders "Guardians" want to punish and whose names appear in that email.
"On most of the names on the list we received procedures", said police sources the high country. "If you have a history or minor entries as it is because we acted," they added. There are, for example, two brothers mentioned. They have been referred several times as a child and your home inspected and raided numerous times. The other most famous case is that of a man who was released from prison two months ago. He was held for "theft." "When any of those we send to prison, is free again sorry right away, "the sources admitted.
however said they were not seen an upsurge of crime in that specific place." We have more complicated areas, "they said.
In a tour of the area the country was divided to obtain the opinions of residents. Some say that the thefts are common, another view that normal life is like in other neighborhoods and that there was no "peaks" in recent months.
FEAR. However, none of those consulted by El Pais declined to give his identity. "People do not talk for fear," ventured one trader. "Criminals come together in that corner and it is obvious that no one dares to talk ", appropriated, pointing a bus stop.
Most traders have alarms or security service contract. The owner of a shop installed three years ago in the place thinks it's timely appearance of" Guardians. "
"I think it's fine. Here we have a weapon because my husband does not. But I think so, would have to act. May not lie with one eye open and one closed due to constant thefts, "he said. The 28,200 kilometer Abitab suffered two robberies in the past two months.
A supermarket suffered a broken freezer that stays out at night . In a grocery store and stole cigarettes money. A food distribution was a victim of theft of cables from the light that was ready to install.
"When you steal the first thing you say is 'kill him' but it is lip service. I turned the house on Father's Day and did nothing," confides one resident resigned.
Other respondents realized no great problem. A neighbor, like their colleagues who talked wheel under a tree, it noted that the problem has been accentuated. "Robberies are everywhere, we see on TV constantly," said another, who preferred to stay away.
A pedestrian passes a bag in his hand. Comes from the supermarket. The first thing he says is "notes no. but ends up talking, quiet: "Society is so everywhere," she says, resigned and apathetic. Do not think going out for justice is the solution, like the rest is not aware of "Guardians ".
El Pais Digital

August 11, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Christian Quotes Sports



01 Son de la Loma - Trio Matamoros 02
Mentira Salome - Sonora Matancera 03
Oye Guajira - Sonora Matancera
04 He who sows the corn - Trio Matamoros 05 A Burujon
Puna - Sonora Matancera 06
Lagrimas Negras - Trio Matamoros Noche de Farra
07 - 08 Worship
Sonora Matancera - Trio Matamoros 09
Mala Mujer - Sonora Matancera
10 Fruit of the Caney - Trio Matamoros 11 Mani
Tostao - Sonora Matancera Cañonazos
12 - Sonora Matancera

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bedding Like Anthropologie And Urban Outfitters



02. Paran Pan Pan
03. Rival
04. Weddings
05. Almond
06. Four People
07. The tamales Olga
08. I told a
09. Creole lies
10. Four Lives
Naranjo Y Lucas 12. Noche Azul
13. Caminito De Guarenas
14. Silence
15. I have a doll

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Office 2007 Ultimate Phone

17.5 No. 15, read below the pictures

This time, the culprit I am not one hundred percent, since the duties were designed for yourself. I selected one of the 2nd jobs 2 and those at 2 ° 1, receiving the text only because the questions already do. You can choose from. Congratulations on the good works I saw. "technical details, if anyone does not know: to enlarge the images them just click the little hand.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wood Block Clock Wikipedia

Duty Duty

Some 40,000 children undergo cosmetic surgery each year in Spain, according CECU
More and more young people turn to surgery to modify their body
EP - Madrid - 15/07/2009

About 10% of the 400,000 people who use cosmetic surgery in Spain each year, about 40,000 patients are children, according to the Confederation of Consumers and Users (CECU) has released on its website a document explaining what is required these practices legal, who and where to do them, and the importance of informing and protecting the child.
To CECU, more and more young people and children who use cosmetic surgery to change his body and although Spain is not yet up to other countries, has already begun to hear of birthday gifts or finish course consisting of changes in the nose or breasts of young people who sometimes do not reach adulthood and are not aware of the dangers online using such therapies in a body still in formation. "
"You have to understand that cosmetic surgery is a surgical procedure as such should be done under a series of technical requirements and a qualified staff, so it is important to check the licensing and specialization of doctors and clinics authorization "from the organization said.
addition," is essential background information on intervention and its risks, in order to be able to decide and if you decide to go ahead, you must carefully read the consent, in consultation with the doctor any questions. "The advertising of such services can not be misleading about the true results, "he concluded.

From" El Pais of Madrid, 07/14/2009


1 - Search the dictionary for words that do not understand.
2 - Where is Madrid?
3 - How many cosmetic surgeries are performed in Spain each year? How many children do? Who has given this information?
4 - What explains CECU on your website?
5 - What do you see the birthday gifts to cosmetic surgery?
6 - What advice CECU is made before surgery?
7 - What type of text is it? What is the role of language in it? Explain why based at the classroom.

8 - (rated separately)

Write a short text (of a hundred and one hundred fifty words) that explains why young people and teenagers should get plastic surgery.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Na Dobre I Na Złe Odcinki On Line

No. 14 No. 13 No. 12

WARNING! Pinocchio
Agency publishes news of interest to the mass media: Our watchwords are "simple, everyday and PLAIN "and" WHERE THERE IS NO NEWS, THERE IS PINOCCHIO, THE AGENCY "

* Technically, the type of writing that is done in A-Pin might be called" short fiction stories with journalistic reporting style ". We prefer to speak of" journalistic Microfictions "for short.
* therefore not exceed 1000 characters with spaces. 900 is the ideal. If more than 1100, our editors will retain the report in the drawer of memories.
* The "short", or "short", as they say, is a journalistic format that is almost always widely lurks at the edges of the newspaper. Here lurks in the cracks that arise between literature and journalism.
* Keep in mind this phrase: "who knows how to do a short, can do everything else." Leave the rest for another day.
* If you want to shrink the nose (ie, neglecting the resources lie) note the following: "Be clear about a story, not an issue. And summarize it in the title. If you type "Men forget your home address, you already have. If you type "momentary loss of memory" is lejos.-Start your report with the city and date. And from the first sentence tell what happened: the short tends to be allergic to the suspension, and only tolerated if there is a master hand.
* Name at least one source, a witness. Hopefully both. Use quotation marks, which are used to hearing someone's voice. They sound real. And to be brief.
* Do not forget to give details: how old is the character, what you do, do you have family? "," Criminal record?, "Stutter? Are the "facts" occurred in the morning or at night?. Details make the truth. * The more everyday
history, the better. Search only ever interested in what a newspaper. A-Pin pays tribute to everyday life, not rarities. Do not wear trying to laugh. Our news have things simpler, but dry journalistic tone, and gets the comic effect, how subtle. That is the fiction we seek. Ours are the "lies quiet." "It will unlikely as reality."
* write lies Think grand journalistic in tone is the same as offering a guest caramel (dulce de leche) with soda. Do not harass.
* Remember to close each report with your name or pseudonym. And if you have and want, your blog or website, to link its entry .* Watch. In any chair, corner, or memory, is the germ of a report that deserves to be sent. MAKE ORIGAMI

Bolombolo, Antioquia, June 23, 2009
Yesterday afternoon, while chatted with relatives on a farm, Ms. Mery Castillo, 73, manipulated by surprise a piece of paper, creating the origami final one: "I can not stay with his hands still, and here I began to make folds to an advertisement of aerial spraying that I found." Felipe, a nephew, who discovered the figure: "Aunt too charra Mery *, were talking in the booth and suddenly put something on the table, looked like a small frog." However, Tully, another relative, said it was not an amphibian, but a crustacean: "It makes me a crab's eyes are not coming out, but look it square," he said, pushing the index to advance side. For its part, Mery said that does not handle this ancient art of Japanese: "No, actually not much," Oregami? "He asked. While the subject was teased zoomorfo by teenagers, James, his grandson, age 4, did show interest in the animal of paper. "I got to drive a cart and everything, but then threw it to the pool and there was" confirmed Tulio. (For A-Pin, reported Rule )
* Graciosa.

the above was extracted from

Your mission:
1 Write a story that can be published in Pinocchio Agency. For that, you should read the "Manual of Style" and you lean on the example presented. Obviously, there is the dictionary if you miss a word. To care for and check spelling.
2 This is voluntary: If you look on page , you'll notice that accept contributions. If it turns out that you have vacation time off and I trust you have your text, mandáselos and send me an email to
I recommend the following: In order to verify that it was you who ordered, put up your name and add a "second."
Example: carlospereirasegundo

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Brownish Discharge And Smelly Urine

Duty Duty

I apologize for the delay.

Medellín, June 12, 2009
After listening to a conversation between two women on the bus that took it to work, the forest engineer Javier Rodriguez decided to cut your nose hairs as soon return home. She told Rodriguez A-Pin, never you had thought that the nasal hairs were important to the opposite sex: "I was shocked to hear these girls tell a friend they thought foul because his nose was full of hair, and that they were ashamed to suggest that you cut them for fear that he felt bad." This reporter found Rodriguez, 35, owns a fairly populated nostrils, "It makes as about six or seven years and they grew well, and four years ago that look," he said. Last night, Rodriguez was complained that despite the cut ends of the pelamen, flush left outside in a "brush effect." Marina Oquendo, cosmetologist consulted by A-Pin, Javier encouraged to cut deeper but moderately, and some with clamp removal, retaining the protection against dust and air impurities. (For A-Pin, reported Tumadre ) Extracted , a page that can be accessed from

Atento: In this study, I made a trap. Discovery is part of the score.
1 - Obviously, if there is a word you do not understand, there is a dictionary that does not bite.
2 - A-Why the engineer decided to cut your nose hairs?; B-What is what he says about your problem?; C-What is the advice of a cosmetologist?
3 - Copy some text where you see the direct reported speech. (Do not accept the "not understand" because that is in your notebook, or at least should be. Still, if you want to ask, considering that it paid me.)
4 - Classifications and signal which indicated the pronouns refer.
5 - Fill in the outline that follows:

T. Word Reference No. Pers Infinitive Participle Gerund
It found

Complaints began

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Do Women Love To Sit On Man Chest

No. 10, finally Duty

Facebook: obstacle
29/05/2009 20:30
The most popular social network now is the perfect excuse to deny getting a job. Companies obtain additional information from applicants and their lifestyle, which you might not get the job.
Using Facebook for additional information about a person who seeks access to a job is becoming more common by the Departments of Resources Human Uruguay. The Ministry of Labour informed the viewer that there are no regulations about it, because at stake is freedom of individuals to express themselves and the right of companies to support an active user personal.Tener the social network in the world can not only be a very interesting tool by which to link with friends and expose certain actions to others, is also providing personal information online that can be used for various purposes. Upload photos with friends at a party, update a thought that may come to lead the way on certain political or religious ideology and to be part of a group are some moves that within Facebook can be "common" or everyday. However, it is impossible to know who is on the other monitor every step that the person da.El use of social networks such as Facebook or My Space are taken into account for a large number of companies to determine whether a particular person or not qualified for a job. Uruguay has not escaped this phenomenon. The coordinator of the Human Resources Department of the Universidad de la Empresa (UDE), Jorge Silva, told El Espectador that although does not share the fact that you take Facebook as a way to get information about the applicant, is aware that can become a tool of choice. "It common in the Human Resources departments concerned to seek as much information as possible candidates to make the best decision. In my case, I do not use any tools other than traditional. In other words, Facebook did not take into account as a valid tool for making decisions on recruitment. Perhaps there is some isolated case or a colleague who does and the truth that would be difficult to qualify if it is right or wrong. I think we have other more reliable techniques to use Facebook as a recruitment tool. "Among some of the data that can be extracted from the Facebook kind of life stress leads the individual, relationship status, sexual orientation, hobbies, tastes, religion and ideology. Short time ago, there was a case of a company, which refused the job to a highly qualified individual, and that its user had photos with friends drinking beer at a party. Silva said he would not rule out using this tool in the future.

Fragment of a story taken from

1) Find the words you do not understand in the dictionary. What is "Human Resources"? You can ask other teachers, parents, internet, etc..
2) Explain your words what is "Facebook." What language is that word? What would you do to English translation? What other similar sites are there?
3) Why is using Facebook page? Why can it be bad to get a job? He cites an example.
4) Copy the declarations of Jorge Silva. Do you agree? Why?
5) What is the intention of the text presented?
6) Remove three verbs in the past. What do you mean? What time, number and person are you?
7) Remove two words serious, two sharp and all proparoxytone and sobreesdrújulas you find. Separate them into syllables, mark the stressed syllable, why not wear or accent.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Request Letter For Donation To Church

The Woodsman and death

An old woodcutter, carrying the weight of beam its branches and its years walked wearily, bent and groaning, reaching for his miserable hut. Unable to end their pain and fatigue, loose ground loading and think in their misery. What pleasure has known since he came into the world? Does anyone poorer than he the round earth? Often without bread and never to rest: women and children, the soldiers passed, the tax, the usurer and the owner are to he met the unfortunate picture. Call
therefore to Death, who comes without delay and it will wonders what the want.
- To help me load the wood! "He says. Do not delay much.

of "Complete Fables of La Fontaine

1-Find the words you do not understand in the dictionary. 2-Explains
with your words, what the life of the elderly.
3-Before you read what it says the old man, what you thought called Death?
4-points to which they relate and classify the pronouns referred. 5-Points
what they mean and write in what time, number and person are the verbs mentioned.
6 - "loading", "crooked" and "reach" are VERBOID. Sort them. 7-Extract
ten words of two or three syllables. Separate them into syllables, the stressed syllable notes, sort them according to their stress and explains why non-maintained or tilde. 8-Study
classification of words and rules of the tilde. Go to the next letter.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monica Roccaforte Intervista

Every part of this work will be graded separately. The contents will be spelling

a) going to present the story was being written in class. Must be presented with blue or black pen and cursive. Will particularly value the care of the spelling.
b) Exercise of spelling:

* are written separately: suddenly, perhaps through, suddenly, in turn, seriously, Why suddenly
: preposition + noun
maybe: adjective + noun
through: preposition + noun
suddenly : preposition + adverb instead
: preposition + noun in
seriously: preposition + adjective
why : preposition + pronoun interrogative
"why" is written separately in questions, like "Why did not you do your homework?", or indirect questions, like " I asked why he had not done their homework. "
Slogan: Write sentences with each of the difficulties seen (three each)

* is written with "h": make, have and therefore in all its conjugates .
Examples: I do, you do ..., I have, you have ...
Slogan: conjugation "do" and "be" present, past and future in the three grammatical persons, singular and plural

Monday, May 4, 2009

Out Of Office Message For Wedding Examples

No. 9 No. 7

(each part will be graded independently)
A) Make the rewriting of the second statement made in class.
B) Make the correction or final version of the poster (if you gave it, of course)

C) Study the spelling concepts and make the settings. (Note: The terms will be published in )

* ge, gi, gue, gui, gue, gui

ge, gi : The pronounced like "je" and "ji". Examples: "Genoa", "Gijón"
gue, gui : the sound is pronounced as "cat" or "guru." Examples: "War", "Guinea"
gue, gui : It is pronounced as "guo" "Gua". Examples: "Liguera", "little water"
Slogan: Write ten words of each example (ten with ge, gi ten with ten to GUE ...)

* aba, abandoned, Abama, abandoned, Abais, abas

The verb forms are conjugated in the imperfect "b". Example: "I sang," you sang, "she sang," we sang, "you sing", "you sang," they sang. "
Slogan: combines in imperfect (This time I spouse, do not say they do not know) the following infinitives: dancing, eating, feeling, doing, thinking.

* al, the (contractions)

not written: "I'm going to the store" but "go to the store." Ie contract, "a" (preposition) and "the" (article) to form "the"
not written: "I come from the high school" but "I come from high school." Ie contract "to" (preposition) and "the" (article) to form "the." Luggage
: Write ten expressions where are the cases just mentioned.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Sudden Gush Of Blood From The Anus

Duty Duty Duty

The work consists of two parts, which are scored separately.
a) You must carry out the REWRITE OF WRITING, taking into account the corrections made in class.

b) You will study the material about spelling that appears. Then you will perform the instructions below for examples.
Note: The examples of different spelling difficulties will be published in
* ay, there, there
- "Ay" is an interjection, usually indicates pain. Example: "Oh, you hit me!"
- "there" is an adverb of place. Example: "The book was there."
- "there" is a verb in third person ("having"). Example: "There are twenty-five pupils."
Slogan: Write three sentences with each of the words (a total of nine sentences)

* have to see
- "have" is an infinitive. Examples: "There may be a price increase." Or "There will be heavy rain tomorrow."
- "see" two words, a preposition ("a") and an infinitive ("see"). Example: "I'll give a little walk to see if I notice something weird."
Slogan: Write three sentences containing each of the expressions explained (there are six in total)

* a, ha, ah
- "a" is a preposition. Example: "I eat schnitzel"
- "ha" is a verb in the third person singular present ("there"). Example: "The Paraguayan president has had several children."
- "ah" is an interjection, which may indicate that you realize something. Example: "Ah, now I remember! "
Slogan: Write three sentences containing each of the expressions explained (nine in total)

* mp, mb, nv
front of the letters" p "or" b "should be used "m" and not "n". Also, before "v" must use "n". Examples: "important", "both", "invitation"
Slogan: Write a list of twenty words each of the aforementioned characteristics. (Going to be worth sixty words and use the dictionary)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sensitivity To Smell During Period

No. 6 No. 5 No. 4

"... and here I am sprawled like a king looking leaky roof putting the toe in the sheet hole course I regret it more than anything that made the Old flan but maybe it is for tomorrow and is much better to eat it cold said simply as if the pot was hers and was instead of fat next to you have varicose veins and that girl in school asquerosita is thought the monkey is wise but never remember the capital of Bolivia and I actually know all the first American capital Tegucigalpa Honduras capital after capital Caracas after Venezuela capital Managua Nicaragua total pot is not so bad but the Old clear need to flatter the fat and bring the story to the other chinchudo say I'm impossible and this can not be going to have to fiddle ward ... "

excerpt from" Children who thinks "
Mario Benedetti ( Uruguayan)
taken from "The writers make you laugh"
Ediciones de la Banda Oriental

Note: The two parts of this work (A and B) will be scored separately.


One: Rewrite the text that is inserted punctuation marks and other punctuation marks (quotation marks, for example).
Two: A what concerns each of the pronouns listed in bold? Sort them.
Three: Extract all the verbs in the first person text. What do you mean?
Four: Extract all the words with a "v" or "b".


Make a poster project about one of the following topics: pronouns, verbs, VERBOID, direct or indirect speech. This should be presented in a common sheet and can only be the final version to put on the wall after it has been corrected and approved (not approved the work will submit conceptual or spelling errors.) Will particularly value the clarity of presentation and creativity (drawings, underlining, colors, patterns, humor). This is an individual work.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Crib Wall Cost Estimate

- thank you indications Fox said then without losing his characteristic aplomb, while thinking how to punish the brute.
time was not long in finding it. And making it a nod to Rhea, as he always wanted to make him understand that he planned a prank, spake thus with a voice loud enough so she could hear him also unsociable neighbor
-It to be alert, my friend, because this is nothing less than amazed at the lagoon where he had to leave my godmother Otter , avoiding the ghosts.
- And is it true? Rhea asked and became an unbeliever.
"Sure. My midwife assured me that every Friday, at midnight on the dot, appears in the grasslands a cow skull and sparking eyes and moaning in a way sad. And coincidentally, today is Friday ...
after "The lagoon stunned" J. Serafin Garcia, of "The Adventures of John the Zorro", Ediciones de la Banda Oriental
1-Search the dictionary all the words you do not understand. 2-Transform
direct speech indirect speech paragraphs marked with italics .
3-Extract two declarative verbs.
4-In the last paragraph, are you direct or indirect speech? Why?
5 - Sort and points to what is referred to marked pronouns.
6 - Extract three declarative verbs. Points to which character relates each and at what time, number and people meet.
to the above questions, you will find it useful to explore in
7 - Extract and copy: words with "mb" or "mp", words with "v" "b". Highlighted with a color the letters requested.
8 - (rated separately) Write the end of this story, using direct speech as a way to show the dialogues of the characters. (Between eighty and one hundred fifty words)