Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Salutatory Address Elementarytagalog

24 22 23

be able to change name and gender in Step
documents. No reassignment operations are required
PILAR kissed
in special session and unanimously, the Senate yesterday approved the name change law and gender, to allow transvestites and transsexuals to change their birth certificate. Operations are not necessary for sex reassignment.
The bill, which left the Senate with the approval of the senators of the Frente Amplio and the rejection of the opposition, several modifications in the House Baja, where broader consensus was achieved. Yesterday, the project returned to the Senate, where the bank would approve or reject as it is to complete the legislative process.
Sen. Margarita Percovich official read a report to record the agreement between all members of the Senate to accept the text changes. The law was passed by 20 votes to 20 senators from all political parties, and passed to the Executive for his signature. In his view this is the law "most important" in this term. Simple

. Coitiño Mauritius, a member of the group Black Sheep, of gays, lesbians, transvestites, transsexuals and bisexuals told El Pais that he believes "all trans people will want to do the processing" of sex and name change because "it is simple and will enable the automatic change of name in all documentation." According to Maria Paz
Gorostizaga, Black Sheep, about 18 transvestites who made the name change process (which involves no change of gender, which is more complex), have decided to appeal this law to amend their documentation. Changes
. In September, when the project entered Deputies, eliminated the provision allowing minors to make the change of sex and name.
was also established that once made the process, you can not go back until five years later.
On the other hand, added an article stating that this law "does not change the existing marriage system, so can not marry two people of the same biological sex.
Finally, it amended the provisions that established the reservation process of changing gender and name and the cancellation of the original birth certificate.
The law now states that an amendment be made in the birth of the person performing the procedure, and noting the new name and gender on the sidelines.
adds that "any person may request adjustment of the registration statement your name, sex, or both, when they do not match their gender identity. "This" dissonance "should be" stable and persistent "for at least two years to conduct the proceedings before a justice of the Family.
To start demand, the person must file a technical report by a team of the Directorate General of Civil Status Registry specializes in gender identity and diversity. One of the most fundamental changes introduced by this law is that the person should not be reassignment operations sex to begin the process.
So far, there were a dozen sentences which supported the gender change, but they were all people who had performed these operations, that consuming at least five years and several surgeries. Moreover, the majority of transvestites are not interested in taking steps to change their sex, something that does need many transsexuals feel.
To Percovich, the new law that prevents violence call a person by the name that is registered ", when its appearance is different. He also said he was "safe to get a job" because the person is provided "as he feels it is." El País, 13/10/2009


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