The computer comes from the English word computing, which means calculation, while the information comes from the French word informatique, automatique contraction information.
Computer or IT, can be defined as the set of scientific and technical knowledge that enable the processing of information. It is the discipline devoted to study the information and its components and technology to manage, conserve and use it efficiently and economically, with a view to facilitating their access to other people to produce higher profits.
Computing's mission is to process information in order to synthesize, combine, and sort it according to user needs, according to instructions provided in the form of programs.
COMPUTER.                                                                                                                                                            In general, we say that a computer is, above all, a machine capable of processing symbols, regardless of the significance of these, then, can handle numbers, text, files, images, sounds, pictures, etc.. As long as they encode as an / / internal format / / with the machine to be able to work.
INFORMATION. The knowledge necessary to perform an activity is called information. It is the result of transforming the data, this is done through operations such as addition, order, subtract, compare, etc. If one examines the information content is observed which consists of a set of organized data consistently, referring to the object of interest.
FACT. Data is the value taken or identifies an attribute or variable in a particular case.
Data is moved, processed and stored on computers through electrical impulses. Impulses which means two states, / / \u200b\u200bon or off, ie, (1 or 0) / /
The smallest unit of information through which data is represented is the BIT, an acronym for Binary Digit (bit) each bit represents an electrical pulse (1 or 0)
Eight bits equals one byte, short Binary Term (term binary) A group of 8 bits is what the computer uses to represent all the characters we know, that is, a letter, number, hyphen, etc.
With a byte, the computer can represent 265 different characters or symbols.
Example: To represent the number 837. How many bytes need a computer?
The number is composed of 3 digits Þ requires 3 bytes
00,001,000 00,000,011 & # 160; 00000111
8                              3                         7
El sistema de medida para el almacenamiento de datos se basa en:
Un BYTE como medida básica.
1.024 como factor de multiplicación para el incremento.
Los prefijos: Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, etc.
1 Bit  Equivale a  Un 1 o un 0 (cero) 
1 Byte Equivale a 8 bits
1 Kilobyte Equivale a 1.024 Bytes
1 Megabyte Equivale a 1’048.576 Bytes
1 Gigabyte  Equivale a 1.073’741.824 Bytes
1 Terabyte  Equivale a 1.073’741.824 Kilobytes
Números Binarios                                                                                                                                                           The binary system in mathematics and computer science, is a numbering system in which numbers are represented using only the numbers zero and one ( 0 and 1). Is the one used in computers, because they work internally with two voltage levels, so its natural numbering system is the binary system (on 1 Off 0 ).
Source: ; Wikilearning                                                                                                                                                       Wikipedia                                                                                                                                                                            Youtube                                                                  
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