Sunday, June 20, 2010

Wedding Invitation Wording In Tamil

Other formats

a format that can be applied to the sheet of paper in which these working

is to change the label. To do this you must display on the Home tab, Cells group, then the FORMAT command option NAME CHANGE FORM. Excel will settle on the name of the label so you can change the sheet name that you want. To accept click outside the label or press the Enter key keyboard.

the same way as with the rows and columns, you can also format the Excel sheet. To do this, select the Page Layout tab, then click the Page Setup group, and click on the COMMAND BOTTOM OF BLADE. This option allows you to add a background image or page, and stop this opens the Background dialog box.

can select any image file on your computer content you consider appropriate to use as background in your document and then click Insert.

Excel add background image selected, giving your resume look more attractive. The image is repeated continuously to fill the entire bottom of the sheet of paper. This aspect should be taken carefully into account when selecting an image, as this parameter with an inappropriate image could hurt the presentation.

task: Prepares to

the same format and complete with real data.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Brazilian Grandmother

spreadsheet rows and columns format frames and styles

Format Rows

If you change the format of a row, you must first select it in its entirety. To select a row, click on the number of the row and the row is selected.

Then go to the command group training CELL select the row height. Enter a value in the Row height that is greater than the number you are dialing so you can see the difference and the effect of format, and then click OK. Alternatively

setting the height of a row is AutoFit. Select a row either contains any data. This option reduces or enlarges the width of the row to fit the content.

Other times, you need to temporarily hide a row. To do this, pull down the Format menu, click on the Visibility submenu, then select the Hide and show.

Excel hides the row, indicating that there is a hidden row separated by a thicker line. This option will be very useful if you do not want to print that line. To return or display, select Display, contained in the Format menu, and within the Visibility submenu.

Format Columns

In the same way as with the rows, you can also change the format of the columns. Click on the FORMAT command CELL GROUP select column width. Another simple and immediate way to change the width of rows or columns by dragging the separation is there in the numbers and letters in rows and columns. To change the width of a column, on the mouse to the delimitation of columns. The mouse cursor changes to a line with two black arrows. Click with the left mouse button and hold it down while dragging to define a new width. Upon arrival at the destination, release the mouse button. Task

Make Excel



Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ninas Follando En La Es U

Apply borders to cells from the tab is pretty straightforward. Like everything in Excel 2007, the first step is to select the cell or range you want to modify, click the border command in the Font group and press option you want.


can also use the default settings for the command MORE EDGES EDGES option at the end of the list of options.

With these new options change the line type, color o si queremos que aparezca en diagonal dentro de la selección.

Además podemos dibujar los bordes o borrarlos teniendo amplia versatilidad y facilidad para el manejo de los bordes de las celdas y rangos de una hoja de cálculo.

Excel nos permite también sombrear y agregar trama a las celdas de una hoja de cálculo para remarcarlas de las demás. Para ello, seguir los siguientes pasos:

Seleccionar el rango de celdas al cual queremos modificar el aspecto.

Seleccionar la FICHA INICIO. Hacer clic sobre la flecha (INICIADOR DE CUADRO DE DIALOGO) que se encuentra bajo el GRUPO FUENTE.

Hacer clic sobre la ficha RELLENO.                                                                                                                         Select the desired options in the box. , & # 160; , & # 160; , & # 160; , & # 160; After selecting all the desired aspects, click on the OK button. When choosing any option appears in the box shows a model of how to be our choice in the cell.

Themes can be changed from the Page Layout tab in the THEME GROUP. Where you can choose from the options the topic that we like totally changing the style of the worksheet.

TASK: Develop

the following example in Excel 2007 with the same format, entering data and formulas.
