If right click on the icon will see the two tools in this group:
The Clone Stamp and Pattern Stamp
Reason Buffer allows you to paint the same way that earlier, so many of your choices are equal. The difference is that this tool does not use paint but a pattern or motive.
The configuration of this tool is not unlike that of the brush.
In fact, the only different options are the last 3: We
click the Reason drop down to see the available options.
Looking at this window you will see that is very similar to the brushes that we saw earlier, clicking the button you will see that it is possible to load multiple reasons listed by category.
In fact, the only different options are the last 3: We
click the Reason drop down to see the available options.
Looking at this window you will see that is very similar to the brushes that we saw earlier, clicking the button you will see that it is possible to load multiple reasons listed by category.
The Clone Stamp
The Clone Stamp is a very useful tool in photo retouching, this tool makes an exact copy of an image area and allows you to move it to another area of \u200b\u200bthe canvas. Its use is relatively
simple. Notes that both the buffer Clone Reason as you allow the selection of different brush tips to bring out the stroke.
keyboard combinations and options as a tool for both tools are similar to those seen for the brush or pencil.
The Clone Stamp is a very useful tool in photo retouching, this tool makes an exact copy of an image area and allows you to move it to another area of \u200b\u200bthe canvas. Its use is relatively
simple. Notes that both the buffer Clone Reason as you allow the selection of different brush tips to bring out the stroke.
keyboard combinations and options as a tool for both tools are similar to those seen for the brush or pencil.