The Woodsman and death
An old woodcutter, carrying the weight of beam its branches and its years walked wearily, bent and groaning, reaching for his miserable hut. Unable to end their pain and fatigue, loose ground loading and think in their misery. What pleasure has known since he came into the world? Does anyone poorer than he the round earth? Often without bread and never to rest: women and children, the soldiers passed, the tax, the usurer and the owner are to he met the unfortunate picture. Call
therefore to Death, who comes without delay and it will wonders what the want.
- To help me load the wood! "He says. Do not delay much.
of "Complete Fables of La Fontaine
1-Find the words you do not understand in the dictionary. 2-Explains
with your words, what the life of the elderly.
3-Before you read what it says the old man, what you thought called Death?
4-points to which they relate and classify the pronouns referred. 5-Points
what they mean and write in what time, number and person are the verbs mentioned.
6 - "loading", "crooked" and "reach" are VERBOID. Sort them. 7-Extract
ten words of two or three syllables. Separate them into syllables, the stressed syllable notes, sort them according to their stress and explains why non-maintained or tilde. 8-Study
classification of words and rules of the tilde. Go to the next letter.