Luis Frank is a Cuban singer who had the opportunity to perform with orchestras first line as: "La Orquesta Reve" and "Compay Segundo" in pallets of great prestige not only in Cuba but also in France, Holland, Spain and Portugal.
Luis Frank Arias, also called The Macry, is Cuban sonero great prestige. His latest album "total Cuba" includes 10 tracks that blend the sound and traditional Cuban music with the rhythms of rap and hiphop. In this album, the melodious voice of Luis Frank Arias is mixed with the voices of rappers Morace Mariana Saiz and Cesar Pedroso, Afro-Cuban sounds with transmitirr consiguiendoo new musical accents.
has collaborated with the greats of Cuban music, Compay Segundo and Pio Leyva, including and others. "Cuba total" is the latest in Cuban music. (CJ)
Luis Frank Arias
Cuba Total
the blackout 02. El Borracho
coachman 04. Drug
05. Baila Suave
06. You
Cuba 07. Del Congo Congo
Centro Habana 09. Cuban Travel
10. Download All Star